
From software to digital art


Born in 1954 in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, I am a Swiss national with a diverse background and a passion for innovation. After completing high school, I earned a master’s degree in Education and Social Psychology from the University of Zurich. Since 1982, I have been happily married to my wife Christine, and together we have raised three wonderful adult sons.

My passion for the intersection between technology and art began in 1977, when I purchased my first computer, a Tandy Radio Shack, with my older brother. As the owner and director of an international software company, I have been able to explore and bring to life new ideas in the field of digital software and digital art since the early days of technology.

The natural beauty and ample space


We are fortunate to call a small village in the picturesque Jura hills of Switzerland our home. The natural beauty and ample space here serves as the perfect setting for my art studio, which includes the necessary servers, as well as a dedicated video and photo studio.

The intersection of art and the rapidly evolving digital landscape is a fascinating and endlessly rewarding area of exploration for me. Each day, I am able to pursue my passion and create meaningful work in this dynamic field.

Counterpoint to the fast-paced environment


Breathing is the foundation of life. It is essential for the survival of every cell in our body, as it provides oxygen for energy production and removes toxins and waste products through exhaling. The connection between breathing and mental states is undeniable, and among the various natural methods for combating fear, regulating thoughts, and promoting inner contemplation, conscious breathing stands out as the most important.

My Breathing Pictures serve as a counterpoint to the fast-paced, overwhelming visual landscape that surrounds us. They exude grace, beauty, and tranquility, inviting viewers to relax, breathe, and reflect. Through my art, I aim to remind people of the vital importance of conscious breathing and the positive impact it can have on our mental and physical well-being.

The power of digital construction and animation techniques


I harness the power of digital construction and animation techniques, using 3DS Max, Unreal Engine 5 and Premiere Pro to create my Breathing Pictures. My goal is to guide viewers towards a more relaxed and deeper breathing, by using gentle animation driven by an algorithm based on human breathing patterns. These pictures transport us directly to a physical and mental experience, placing us firmly in the present moment.

To fully appreciate these pictures, one must take a moment to observe them. It may take a while to notice the subtle breathing motions, but discovering the breath of each picture is a personal experience. The fluid color transitions and gentle movements provide a mesmerising visual experience that exceeds that of conventional static images. The Breathing Pictures are not only a feast for the eyes, but also a reminder of the importance of taking a moment to breathe and centre ourselves.

Stan Presenting
I welcome artists from around the world


Creating my Breathing Pictures and experimental art films brings me great joy, and I love sharing my experiences as an entrepreneur with a focus on fostering creative and mindful team spirits in the corporate world.

If you’re curious about the process of creating my work, I welcome artists from around the world to come and visit me at my studio in Kienberg, Switzerland. Here, you’ll find an inspiring environment and traditional Swiss hospitality. There are also many interesting galleries and museums in the surrounding area, such as Basel and Zürich.

My goal is to promote the idea of conscious breathing among aspiring digital artists, and to create an atmosphere of joy, curiosity, fun, and philosophy. If you’re interested in a presentation or spending some inspiring days in Switzerland, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!